It has taken me forever to put this post together, but it is because I didn’t want to leave anything out! First of all, I am obviously not an expert. This is just my personal experience. I will however say that I have tried SO many different things over the past year. From products to treatments, you name it. I also do have a health background at least (haha!). I’ve applied a lot of my holistic nutrition certification to this journey. Mostly, by remembering that healthy skin always has and always will start from within.
Here is a little backstory on my skin:
To start, I grew up in San Diego. I rarely wore sunscreen and would literally get excited if I got a little red. Ugh, what I wish I knew…
I started to get expression lines pretty early on. I practically talk with my forehead and hands. I also squint like no other. I should wear glasses 24/7 but I never have and because of that, I was able to see more wrinkles early on in my twenties.
I’ve slowly seen the aging of my skin, but it wasn’t until I started my own company and hit my 30’s that I REALLY started to see changes. Now here’s the thing… my genetics are working FOR me here. Both my parents have incredible skin. I had always been under the impression that the same would happen for me, but it didn’t.
So what happened? Why did things shift so drastically?
One, this is just part of life. We all know this. It happens at different times for everyone. But when I really look back and try and examine my lifestyle at the same time I noticed these changes, I can’t help but focus on the things that could have prompted this. (I’ll go into this below)
Luckily, we live in a time where we can easily pay to fix so many things we want to alter about ourselves. Eyebrows, wrinkles, body hair… I can’t deny the part of me that says THANK GOD for all those things. But I also can’t deny the part of me that also wants to see more natural beauty all around. I remember the first time I found out a girl I knew was getting botox and it kind of broke my heart. Not because she was getting it, but because I had never known she was and I was always envious of her skin for so many years! I would see her and ask about products she used and everything. Only to find out later on that she was getting injections.
What’s even more crazy, is if I see someone now with forehead wrinkles I notice them SO much more. How did we get to a place where forehead wrinkles were so uncommon?
It’s all just very weird, but I’m not here to preach. I was right there with everyone. I had botox a few times and the truth is, I absolutely LOVED it. My skin looked smooth, healthy and youthful. It didn’t really matter what product I was using because it wasn’t in the product, it was in the injections. I was pretty much just on the path of getting it every 6 months and had accepted that as natural as I am with most everything in life, THIS was going to be my exception. That was until the last time I got botox and the Nurse Practitioner hit a nerve in my forehead and it completely freaked me out. It’s still healing (a year later)! I get a tingle every single time I touch my face to wash it or put makeup on. Every time I touch the spot I feel a “shock” sensation on my forehead to the top of my head. The whole scenario freaked me out. Mind you this is rare, but it happened to me.
The truth is, it got me thinking a LOT about why I was going. Did I really want to inject that into my face? Were the wrinkles on my face truly an issue or were they just another thing I picked myself apart about? That is when I decided to stop and give alternative methods a solid effort.
I’m going to say this truthfully here, that I can’t claim I will never go back. As of right now it’s a never, but as I do get older it’s really just up to me to decide if I feel like it’s worth it or not. And for now, I’ve been giving a 110% effort into seeing if I can feel good about my skin naturally, the same way I did when I had botox.
Below I’m going to share a LOT of things that have helped my skin and the resources that have taught me so much. I’ve been a little obsessed learning actually. So, I hope you find this helpful! PLEASE share your personal story with me or ask any questions. I really hope to make this a conversation. I was incredibly LOST at the beginning. Retinol, Glycolic, AHA/BHA… I was like, what the heck is all of this and when do I use it? There’s a lot of info out there so I hope this helps.

Biggest takeaways:
1. Expensive doesn’t always mean better. There are some incredible affordable products on the market that give you just as great results.
2. Good skin starts within. Hydration is of course important, but foods that are rich in vitamins and minerals are vital, specifically because antioxidants found in those foods protect our healthy cells from damage. Some of my favorite skin foods are lemons, raw honey, spinach, blueberries, avocado, kimchi, brazil nuts, tofu, fish and sweet potatoes.
3. Decrease alcohol consumption. I had a never been a big drinker, but I would definitely have one or two drinks a week if I was out to dinner or with friends. When I started my business however, I started having more wine to wind down the day when I was feeling stressed and that slowly evolved into having drinks more than I was used to. I really believe that alcohol played a huge role in my skin and body changes. I’ve since gone back to my old ways and I feel and notice such a difference.
4. The more you hydrate and plump your skin, the less you notice wrinkles. I started to notice that the more hydrated I kept my skin by using the right products and eating well, the less prominent any lines were.
5. Less is truly more. When I have asked any older women I know (my mom included) that have great skin what they do, their routines are so simple. The themes I gathered was that they usually use all of the same product line (or maybe just two different ones), they only use a few products and usually they are the straightforward, simple ones.
6. Gua Sha is trendy for a good reason. I was so skeptical about gua sha, but I really felt like I had nothing to lose. My skin actually feels tighter after doing it. I also think it does such an incredible job de-puffing and getting blood flowing. Once a skeptic, now a believer!
7. It’s not just about hydration, but it’s about absorption. Many of drink what we think is “a lot” of water daily, but what we aren’t realizing is that we might not actually be absorbing it. If you drink at least half of your body weight in water a day but you are still feeling like your body is dehydrated, try starting the day with a warm lemon water or a room temp water with a sprinkle of pink Himalayan salt. This will help aid in absorption.
8. Add in collagen. I personally love collagen in the form of bone broth, but adding collagen into your routine is a great way for you to support that youthful skin.
9. Reduce animal protein consumption. Protein is essential for skin health, but too much animal protein can be extremely acidic to your body. Plant-based meals are the easiest way to get the nutrients you need. Think of animal protein (if that’s your thing) as an “addition-to.”
10. Add in more zen. Stress is pretty inevitable, but what we do to take care of ourselves through it is everything. I feel like stress played the largest role in my skin/body changes. The past few months I’ve focused so much more on walking outside with mellow music (it relaxes me), breathing exercises throughout the day (I love the 4-7-8 technique).
“The French Beauty Solution” by Mathilde Thomas- This book really inspired me to start exploring skincare. I also love anything French, so this book will forever be a great read (and educational).
“Radical Beauty”- by Kimberly Snyder
Dermstore– Dermstore.com has so many helpful tips on WHEN to apply what, what each product is for and what it will do, etc.
Mixed Makeup Channel- I love this YouTube channel. I find it incredibly engaging but also extremely educational.
Britta Beauty- not only do I love following her on Instagram, she also has a great gua sha tutorial here.
I should first start by letting you know I have fairly dry to normal skin with the occasional breakouts and some sensitivity. I also have some uneven, blotchiness from sun damage. My goal with my routine is to hydrate, minimize pores (I notice as I keep getting older they are getting larger), brighten, minimize the appearance of forehead and eye wrinkles and overall assist my skin in aging gracefully. Basically everything. Ha!
Also, most everything below is CLEAN, with the exception of a few products.

Unless you are prone to breakouts, I’ve learned that it is best to use a hydrating or brightening (non-striping) cleanser.
Indie Lee Brightening Cleanser- This is my usual cleanser and it is INCREDIBLE. It smells good, lathers well and I can honestly say that my skin looks and feels brighter because of this.
Naturopathica Manuka Honey Cleansing Balm- I use this a lot more during winter OR if my skin seems irritated. Again, not only does it smell in incredible, I feel like it is extremely healing to your face.
Epicuren Clarify Cleanser- I used to use this all the time when I had more hormonal breakouts. I felt like it kept my face clear without being too harsh. I only use it now for a few days here if I’m breaking out.
Farmacy Bee Clean- This is another great, hydrating cleanser that is super gentle. If I wasn’t so attached to my Indie Lee cleanser, I’d be using this one daily. I would say if your goal is more hydration (or you have sensitive skin) I’d go with this one over the brightening cleanser by Indie Lee.
I use an exfoliator 3x a week. Depending on your skin, you will want something extremely gentle or a bit stronger.
Epicuren Microderm Ultra Refining Scrub- This is a potent and effective exfoliator. I only use this 1x per week, personally, but I love it.
Eminence Strawberry Rhubarb Dermafoliant- This is a more gentle but super effective exfoliator. I use this a few times a week and feel like it has made a huge difference.
Serums are what confused the heck out of me. I had no idea when to use what or what not to use with another… This link should be helpful for (it was for me)!
Korres Wild Rose Spotless Treatment- I rub this all over my face and chest in the morning time before my moisturizer. I don’t think I’ve used it long enough to fully see a difference but I really like the product.
Cocokind Vitamin C Serum with Sea Grape Caviar- This is a bit more affordable and I love that it comes with hyaluronic acid. Perfect for the day time as well.
Sunday Riley Good Genes- I received a sample of this awhile back and fell in love. This all-in-one treatment leaves your skin feeling soft, hydrated and bright. WELL worth the price in my opinion.
Farmacy Honeymoon Glow- I just recently started trying this (forever experimenting) and so far, I am loving it. I have had so many friends rave about this product so I had to try. I will report back!
Dr. Dennis Gross Daily Peel- These aren’t as natural, but dang they are effective. I’m sure you have heard of them and YEP, I was influenced, purchased and purchased again and again. I recently stopped using them just to change things up because I used them for so long, but again, you will feel a difference right away from these.
Biossance Squalane + Phyto-Retinol Serum- This a great, affordable (and clean) retinol. If you are in your 30’s and up, a retinol will be your best friend for aging gracefully.
Skinceuticals Retinol- This is a high dose retinol and frankly, this is the one area where I am just looking strictly for effectiveness. This is my favorite so far and I use it 3x per week (alternating with the Good Genes).
I have to admit, I’ve never been good at remembering eye cream, but lately I’ve been much more diligent. I have one that I love for the AM and one I prefer at night.
Epicuren Eye Cream- I just love their products (and trust them). This eye cream is great because a little goes a long way and I feel like it keeps my eye area moisturized.
100% Coffee Bean Eye Cream- If you have used this product, you know why I love it. It instantly wakes up your eyes and it’s affordable and clean! I love it in the morning.
Epicuren Hydro-Plus Moisturizer- This is hands down one of the best I’ve ever tried. It’s moisturizing but doesn’t feel really thick on your face. My husband is hooked as well!
Weleda Skin Food- This is a super heavy duty moisturizer that I typically like to only use 2x a week (and sometimes under makeup). It’s affordable and clean and makeup artists I know swear by this.
Honest Beauty Hydro-Gel Cream- This is another affordable and great moisturizer. It’s thick, but you also feel the water in the product when it goes on. I love using this during the day.
Indie Lee Squalene Oil- I just stopped using an oil because I feel like it is enlarging my pores, but I miss it! I love the feeling of oil on my face (I would usually layer it on top of my moisturizer). I still love this one though and I use it when I do gua sha.
My specific routine right now:
Morning: Warm water and washcloth, then Korres Wilrose serum + Honest Hydro-Gel Moisturizer. Then, 100% coffee eye cream.
Night: Indie Lee brightening wash, then CO-Q10 toner, skinceuticals retinol, Sunday Riley good genes then Epicuren Hydroplus moisturizer and eye cream.
I also do the Hydrating Mineral Mask and/or Origins Retexturing or Tula Detox in a Jar mask 2x per week.
I have sunscreen in my foundation but I have yet to find a sunscreen I love to put over moisturizer during the day. I will keep you posted when I find one though!
Was this helpful?? I hope this was informative. I LOVE experimenting with products and I’m constantly trying new ones. I will keep sharing my experiences and add in any helpful products I find. For now, this routine has been feeling good so I plan to keep it up for some time.
All items are linked below + I’ve added a few discovery kits (great value) from brands that I personally find to be the best in the clean skincare space. I ONLY purchase beauty products from places that have a good return policy such as Dermstore, Sephora, and Nordstrom. I don’t purchase beauty products from Amazon.
Happy graceful aging, friends! xx