August always gets me feeling so excited. I’m a Fall girl through and through, so knowing it is around the corner makes me so happy. Plus, as Tyson likes to say, it is my birthday “month.” I don’t know if I’m as excited about my birthday as much as I am just knowing that for my birthday every year we go somewhere. I’m an experience person hands down over a gift! This year, we are actually taking my parents down to Carmel, CA. It is one of our favorite places in the U.S. and my Dad used to live there when he was younger. He hasn’t been back in a long time so I promised him we would go this year.
Anywho, let’s catch up!
-We are heading to Washington next week to see some family and we are using Outdoorsy.com to rent an Airstream. I’m looking forward to testing it out to see how we like it since buying a trailer is still on our mind.
-I can’t get enough of this linen dress.
– I recently just finished an anti-racism 101 course by Monique Melton’s Shine Bright School and I would highly recommend any of her courses.
-We just finished building the faux built-ins and I have to say, I’m so glad we went this route! This was incredibly affordable and once we spruce it all up to look like they are true built-ins, I really don’t even think you can tell the difference. We saved a ridiculous amount of money on this. SCORE! I will do an entire post on this soon, but here are the ones we used.
-I signed up with Parsley Health a couple of months ago and after a ton of blood testing, I found out that I most likely have Hashimoto’s. My doctor and I are doing some additional testing but there are clear indications that I have some sort of auto-immune condition. It’s wild because for a while now I’ve felt like a 7 out of 10. I feel FINE, right, but not as good as I usually do. I assumed that is just what happens as we age- haha! This was all pre-pandemic by the way (and worse since). I’m starting some supplements and a new eating plan (bye gluten + dairy) and I will definitely write more on this soon. If you’ve gone through this, I would love to hear from you!
-I have recently been buying only organic/natural wine and if you haven’t jumped on that train yet, you’ve got to! I can’t tell you how much better you feel. Not to mention, it is way better for our planet : ) We have a few natural wine shops here in Portland, but this also a great place to start and order from: https://www.bodegalosalamos.com/
-Lastly, I have to share a few recent buys that I am loving SO much:
The best cream ever. The smell, the texture, how it makes your skin feel. I can’t believe I’m just now discovering it.
The robe I live in. Feeling comfy is my life.
A hydrating mask. Worth EVERY PENNY.
Bookshop candle. I can’t get enough of this smell. I just bought 3 more!
This daily planner. I love using it to help organize home and work life.
Happy August, friends! xx